Beech Village Hall and Recreation Ground is a Registered Charity (number 301738). It is run by a Management Committee according to its Constitution, which was updated in December 2024. You can view the latest reports from the Chair of the Charity here.
This management policy should be read along with the Constitution, and in case of doubt the Constitution takes priority.
The objectives outlined in our Constitution are “the provision and maintenance of a village hall and recreation ground for the use of the inhabitants of Beech and the neighbourhood without distinction of sex, religious or other political opinions and in particular for the use of meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation (including physical recreation) and other leisure-time occupations, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitant.”
In carrying out these objectives, the Management Committee and all its members and sub-committees make the following commitments:
- We run the Hall and recreation ground on behalf of the community living in the parish of Beech, according to the Constitution.
- We follow all relevant laws, regulations and guidance from the Government and Charities Commission, including compliance with the requirements of the 2006, 2011 and 2016 Charities Acts.
- The Trustees comply with their legal duty to have regard to the Charity Commission’s guidance and regulations on public benefit, and the public benefit requirement informs the activities of the Charity.
- We are committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion, and eliminating unlawful discrimination. We do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), disability, religion or belief, or other political opinion.
- We seek feedback from villagers wherever practical, both at the AGM and as required throughout the year.
Purchasing and external suppliers
- In making decisions about purchasing and external suppliers, we aim to achieve an appropriate balance between all relevant factors, including safety, cost, quality, durability, reputation, timeliness, and volunteer workload.
- For work which cannot be done by volunteers, we employ trusted local contractors wherever possible, as long as they can demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the work, will do so in a timely manner to a high standard, and offer a fair price for the job.
- If a member of the Management Committee or their close family member are quoting for paid work for the charity, that member shall withdraw from voting about such a decision.
- External contracts for higher value goods and services will be put out to tender when the Management Committee considers it to be appropriate.
Support from villagers
We rely heavily on volunteers to undertake the many tasks required to operate the hall and recreation ground, and to run village social events. Anybody who wishes to contribute ideas, constructive advice or help in any form is asked to contact any member of the Management Committee.
Abusive behaviour
We will not tolerate any form of abuse, bullying, harassment, intimidation or threatening behaviour directed against the members of the Management Committee, sub-committees, paid employees or volunteers. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against anybody who demonstrates such behaviours, verbally, in writing, or on social media. This may include a ban on using Hall premises and refusal to engage in further discussions.
In the event of a dispute involving the Management Committee, the complainant should address their concerns, supported by facts, initially to the Chair. The Management Committee will investigate and propose a solution. If the solution is not acceptable to the complainant, the Management Committee will offer to take the dispute to independent mediation. If mediation is accepted, the Management Committee and complainant shall use all reasonable endeavours and goodwill to resolve the issue through the efforts of the mediator, and the cost of the mediation shall be shared equally between the Village Hall and the complainant. If mediation is refused on these terms, the Management Committee decision on the solution is final. The Constitution allows for a referral to the Charities Commission “if any question arises as to the constitution of this scheme, or as to the regularity or the validity of any acts done or about to be done under this scheme”.
Additional information and policies
Our Terms & Conditions of Hire, including procedures for accidents and fire, our Health and Safety Policy and our Child Protection Policy, can be found under Booking the Hall.
Our Privacy Statement can be found here.