The popular Beech Village Show, organised by Beech Gardeners, will take place on October 1, 2022. Please support the Show by entering as many classes as you can and dropping by to view the exhibits. Be surprised at the hidden talents of your friends and neighbours!
We aim to cover the cost of staging the show with entry fees (30p per entry per class), a modest profit on refreshments and a plant stall. If we do not cover the cost, we will not be able to put on future shows.
There will be something for everybody at this year’s show, with 44 classes covering flowers, vegetables, fruit, cookery, crafts, photography, painting and poetry. Click here for full details of the classes.
Families are welcome
Children may enter any class; age on entry envelope please. If we have sufficient children’s entries in a class, we will subdivide it. Where the class is not subdivided, the judges will take age into account— though in practice they haven’t needed to. The Family class of Making a Ghoul is for everyone of all ages in the family to join in.
Two classes—Abstract Art and Poetry—will be judged by public vote at the show. A cup is awarded to the Gardening Club member accruing the most points in the show, and there is a Brownie Point Cup for the person entering the most classes. We have awards for various categories and certificates for all classes.
The show will be open to all Beech residents, those who partake in the social life of Beech, and their families, and will open to the public from 12 noon; last entry 1.30pm
Please click here to see the full list of categories and how to enter the Show.
If you have any questions, please contact Sue Robinson on 82896 or Kathy Pearce on 549401.