This coming Saturday, 20th September, is going to be a busy day in Beech. Please come and join in!
After dropping off your exhibits for the Show at the Village Hall between 9 and 10.15am, why not drop by St Peter’s Church in Wellhouse Road for coffee and refreshments (available 10-11.30am)?
This is an opportunity to admire the Tin Tabernacle’s new paintwork and to meet new vicar Andrew Mickelfield and some of the team. Views are being sought on how services at St Peter’s should be run and any comments would be most welcome.
Afterwards, back to the Village Hall where judging will have taken place between 10.30 and 11.30am and the Show will open to the public from 11.30am.
Come and see how your own entries fared, or just wander around and marvel at how much talent there is in Beech!
And instead of rushing home to get lunch, why not stay
for a bowl of homemade soup, a hot dog and a chat with friends and neighbours instead!
Presentations will be made from 11.30 to 12.00 noon and exhibits should be removed by 2.15 pm when the Show closes.
Full Terms & Conditions for exhibitors can be found on page 3 of the Show Entry Form, but as a reminder:-
Where possible exhibitors should name varieties of grown produce to assist the judges and inform the rest of us!
- Your name should not be visible on your exhibit, but supplied, we suggest, on a small piece of card that can be placed face down on the display tables, prior to judging.
- The cut ends of any fresh plant material should be in water or water-retaining materials and exhibitors should supply the
ir own vases/plates etc.
- Fresh food items (classes 15 and 16) should be covered with clear film or presented in a large plastic bag.
- In addition to 1st, 2nd and highly-commended certificates, a points system will be operated and there will be an overall prize for MOST POINTS scored by an individual, as well as an award for BEST ENTRY IN SHOW.
- Any queries phone 543194/Sarah or 82323/Helen.