Here are a few dates for your diary as we move into the winter months!
- Remembrance Day Service: Sunday 10th November, 9.15am. Please e-mail names for remembering in prayers by 4th November or contact Sarah Neish.
- Carols and Readings: Sunday 22nd December, 4.30 pm (please let us have a list of your favourite Carols by 1st December, contacts as above. Depending on how many suggestions are received, the Carols will either be sung at this service or at the…
- Christmas Day Service, 9.15 am
Thank you for your continued support and we would welcome any comments that you might have on the format and timings of our services and life of the church.
Finally a very big thank you to all who have contributed to regular giving to the Church, like any organisation, the upkeep and general maintenance costs continue to rise with expenditure outstripping income.
With Best Wishes to you all we look forward to welcoming you to any of the services or events in the whole Parish very soon.
Sarah Neish (tel: 565696)
Updated October 2013